sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011


I want to talk about the social network Facebook a very popluar!

Facebook is a social network, The facebook is a place where you can chat, where you can share photos, videos, reviews, publications ..
You know people and have many friends, And  gossip..!
But there are people who can not use the facebook, And steal imtages, posing as other people, in Facebook you can also create groups, play games..
It is a place where you can learn many things about your family, friends..   xd
The bad part is that it vitiates the very vitiate facebook, Most young people are always needing to open facebook,Before young people are flawed to msn, Now MSN has gone a  fashion.

My favorite movie!

My favorite movie is Final Destination, it's a film about a group of people who escape from death, One is always seeingand sees all die a very painful, after warns people and leave them to avoid death, but after the death traps and kills those who have escaped, desperate attempt to save them but can not so in the end death wins, They have made five movies on final destination, I recommend is very  good. 

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

Winter holidays~


This Christmas,I will go to Alemanya, there live about my uncles, and we will spend some days with them.
I am looking forward to the day, we shall come on 25,26,27,28 and 29.
I want to see Alemanya, there very cold, and I do not like the cold. After passing some days in Alemanya, I'll have to do research TT.
It is very hard and heavy, and do not want to end.
Used the holidays to finish..correcting, print..
I hope the holidays go very slowly:)

And so passes my holidays!

Lluvia de París

Hi! (:
This is the first time that I write the blog!
And talk about one of the best boks I read.

Lluvia de París!
(Rain in Paris), is on of my favorite books, is a book written by Lorenzo Silva.
The protagonist is named Sylvia, is a girl who lives in Madrid and his dream is to become an actress. This girl by chance encounters a cinema director, and the director offered him a job in his movie. 
The director of the film, he  offered a role in the movie, but this movie been to filming in France, And Silvia tea leave his family and his friends to go to France. 
The idea does not like much, but wants to get his dream of acting, while filming the movie, explains how  lives there..
It has many problems with other actresses .. And transfer through many experiences and situatiosn that make Change.
Usually be alone and feel the rain in Paris..